We miss you Debbie!
    I miss you Debbie    Debbie, debbie, debbie!
because you are so      That's one debbie for
special...I miss you       each veichle this year.
Debbie because you      It's over, which is sad
o sare sexu..(ops)..nice   in a way, but see it like
    I wish I could        this. if the year were
stay one year more      not over, we wouldn't
because you are so      have all our memories
cute when you snore    to look back on. Also
    It is difficult to       it's kinda hard tocome
realize that this year    back 'n visit if i haven't
is over because you      left one time before.
are so  extremely        Do you get it, debbie, i
nice and I'm still sober  have to leave before i
    You built up my        come back? however,
self esteem you helped  i'd like to thank you.
me to "Live the dream"   thanks debbie! w/out
                             you i couldn't have
    I miss you Debbie      golfed or used any
"The best American Mama  of all the other toys.
    In the world"

            Love,                    love,
               Kent                    Andreas

"We like the way you walk
We like the way you talk
Debbie q..."
We miss you!!!